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The Cannabis Industry’s Only Quality-Verified Marketplace

We make it easy to find what you need to grow your business and complete transactions.

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Sell with Tamerlane to be connected with hundreds of local, vetted buyers

Why Tamerlane?

Quality, Access, Service.

The Tamerlane marketplace has 100s of verified local buyers and suppliers, and access to 100,000+ pounds of product and thoroughly vetted supply chain partners all in your local area — making every transaction as seamless as possible. Buy and Sell on our online marketplace or with a dedicated Customer Success Manager.

Contact us today to learn if the marketplace is active in your area.

Learn more about how Tamerlane benefits you:

Buyers Suppliers


Quality Verification

Grading and
Quality Verification

We provide material grading, quality verification, certification and appraisal services. With quality verification, our clients see a 90% reduction in returns, 95% faster inventory turns and 60% increase in fair market value.

Wholesale Cannabis and Hemp Brokerage

Wholesale Cannabis
and Hemp Brokerage

For buyers and suppliers who prefer that human touch, we offer a personalized brokerage experience. Focus on your business, and let our professional brokers handle your sourcing and sales.

Dedicated Customer Success Manager

Dedicated Customer
Success Manager

Buyers and suppliers are connected to a dedicated customer success team of professional brokers who are there to answer questions, assist you in finding the product or services you require, and ensure your needs are met. Your success is our priority.

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